Hobby or Habit

Hobby or Habit; There are some things that can be both, depending on the person.
A regular leisure activities; like collecting, sports, or creative pursuits, are obviously hobbies, but if a person gets into a routine of doing the activity, the repetition becomes unconscious, and at that point it’s hard to stop; like an addiction, but most of the time perfectly harmless.
Fitness and hygiene; Both are common habits, and most people have dedicated routines for these activities.

I’ve gotten into arguments about whether or not video games are a hobby. It’s a leisure activity, but for some people it’s an addiction, and for others just it’s to combat boredom or loneliness.   Much in the same way that Gambling is intended to be for entertainment, but people have been known to become addicted to it.
Being a wine enthusiast is a hobby, but alcoholism is an addiction.
Food is not  itself a hobby [since everyone eats], but activities like cooking or seeking out a creative fine dining experiences is.
I’m thinking that some parameters make hobbies more realistic.
For example; restoring antique bicycles is a  hobby, but commuting to work via bicycle is a habitual activity, and undiscriminating hoarding all varieties of bicycles is an addiction.

I was fairly certain that everyone had a hobby of some kind. But the older I get, the more lackluster people I happen to meet.  People that have habits, but not really hobbies.
I’m always puzzled by these hobby-less people. I find that they’re spending their spare time on unskilled activities; like binge watching tv, or posting pictures with food. We live in an age of ever-present social media, so people don’t ever have to be alone [with themselves] in their leisure time.  The ability to ‘constantly update’ means that the habit of scrolling through the main feed is their hobby.

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